JavaScript: Arrays. Why does concatenating an empty array with a filled array result in a string?

I was working on a problem for flattening arrays. I stumbled upon something really weird and cannot find an answer on the internet about this.


[] + [1,2] = '1,2'


I can't seem to wrap my head around why adding an empty array to a filled one results in a line with the contents of the filled array.

What's going on behind the scenes causing this?

Example from my code:

arr = [1, [2], [3, 4]];
arr.reduce(flatten, []); // [1, 2, 3, 4]

function flatten(a, b) {
    return a.concat(b);


As I understand it, reduce will set '[]' as the "initial value", and thus, for each element in the original array, it will concatenate it to an empty array, thus "flattening" the array.


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3 answers

This is due to JavaScript implicit type conversion caused by the operator +

. You cannot just perform an operation +

on arrays, so they are converted to strings (which contain comma separated values ​​converted to array string).



When you use +

between objects (arrays are objects), JavaScript calls toString()

and / or valueOf()


var coercion1 = {} + {foo: 'Foo', bar: 'Bar'},
    coercion2 = [] + ['foo', 'bar'];


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This is the same as:

var coercion1 = "".concat({}.toString(), {foo: 'Foo', bar: 'Bar'}.toString()),
    coercion2 = "".concat([].toString(), ['foo', 'bar'].toString());


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The same as:

var coercion1 = "".concat({}.valueOf(), {foo: 'Foo', bar: 'Bar'}.valueOf()),
    coercion2 = "".concat([].valueOf(), ['foo', 'bar'].valueOf());


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To convert an object to a string, JavaScript does the following:

  • If the object has a toString () method , JavaScript calls it. If it returns a primitive value, JavaScript converts that value to a string (if not already a string) and returns the result of that conversion. [...]
  • If the object does not have a toString () method, or if that method does not return a primitive value, then JavaScript looks for valueOf () . If the method exists, JavaScript calls it. If the return value is primitive, JavaScript converts that value to a string (if not already provided) and returns the converted value.
  • Otherwise JavaScript cannot get a primitive value from toString () or valueOf () , so it throws a TypeError.

David Flanagan , JavaScript: The Ultimate Guide



Using + will result in a string and the console will exclude the parentheses. Same as





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