Using git add inside pre-commit hook

TL; DR: Using eslint --fix

&& & git add

in pre-commit mode, but it leaves staged and unstaged files! Using post-commit bindings git reset <staged-files>

seems to work, but is there a solution for this?

To give some background, I started using lint-staged

and husky

to automatically fix JavaScript lint errors on git commit

. This works very well if you commit your changes first and then commit, for example:

git add index.js
git commit -m "Some Message"


IntelliJ IDEA seems to commit files directly (for example git commit -m "Some Message" index.js

) that are still working, files are automatically committed. Unfortunately it also leaves a staged file (auto-fixed) and an unset file (original lint errors) and this is the problem I want to resolve.

Not knowing where to start, I opened the question 151 with , but after some investigation of the problem seems to be associated with the Git, instead . lint-staged


I only have basic Git skills, so to minimize distractions I created the project without lint-staged

or husky

and manually added a pre-commit hook. Then I ran the same tests (for example git commit -m "Some Message" index.js

) and no wonder the same problem occurred. In an attempt to solve the problem, I also added a post-commit hook that launches git reset <staged-files>

, which seems to work well, but I'm not sure if this is the right solution.

If you have experience with this or are a Git Guru take a look at the demo repo and let us know if there is a better way. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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