C # Reordering / rendering multiple layers of panels

I am working on an interesting project to create an image editor, I would like the user to be able to create multiple layers of panels to create the desired materials. I've successfully implemented basic adding and removing layers, but I'm a little confident that it's best to set each panel to "z height" and then display the layers in a specific order.

From what I've learned on the internet, I have to use Controls.setchildindex

panels to set each z-order. All panels are stored in a list, so when I want to display the layers I can just loop over the list.

I skimmed with help Windows.forms.control.canvas

, but this is stitched together to complicate other parts of the program, such as setting a "custom" background color. Anyone got any other ideas on layered panels, a way to use the Controls.setchildindex

best way forward?

Many thanks.


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1 answer

so after a bit of trial and error I got it working in my layer system. Turns out this is easier than me, but by simply removing all canvas layer elements from the "container panel" (rootPanel), then re-adding them to their panel's specific layer order according to that order. I've included a method below that just removes and re-adds the layers I use Dictionary<String,Panel> panelList

to store panels, I hope someone finds my answer helpful.

 private void reOrderLayers(object sender, EventArgs e)
        for (int i = 0; i < rootPanel.Controls.Count; i++)

        for (int i = 0; i < listBox.Items.Count; i++)




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