How to properly reset angularjs v1 factory after a specific function

I created a factory that stores information in my scopes in a series of 6 pages. Now when the user completes the 6th page and pushes the object, I want the factory to reset the arrays again.

I've tried many a time-out and applied elements, also tried to use a lot of combinations to install an array into the empty ( null

, ""

, {}

). but it still loads old information on page reload (p. 1/6).

Send function (which is also needed to reset areas)

$scope.send = function(){
    if(ArrayInfo.Checkmark == true){
        firebase.database().ref('lorem/' + ArrayInfo.Ordernumber).set({
          info: ArrayInfo,
          Dates: Dates,
          gasmeter: gasmeter,
          gasmeter1: gasmeter1  
          firebase.database().ref('lorem2/' + ArrayInfo.currentYear).set({
            last_number: ArrayInfo.Ordervalue
          //ArrayInfo = {};
            ArrayInfo = "";
            $ = "";
          }, 50);

      //close newrental
          if (window.confirm('Information saved! You are ready to leave this screen? no changes possible after this point'))
            //disable back button in home 
              disableBack: true
            //go home
          //error close newrental
             alert("Take your time");
        }, 50);

    //error send array
    else {
      alert("Please accept the terms and conditions.");


My factory looks like this

mainapp.factory("infoFactory", function(){
  ArrayInfo = {};
  placeholders = {
    "licenseone" : "img/placeholder.png",
    "licensetwo" : "img/placeholder.png",
    "licensethree" : "img/placeholder.png",
    "licensefour" : "img/placeholder.png",
    "imageone" : "img/front.png",
    "imagetwo" : "img/sideleft.png",
    "imagethree" : "img/back.png",
    "imagefour" : "img/sideright.png",
    "imagefive" : "img/roof.png",
    "imagesix" : "img/placeholder.png",
    "imageseven" : "img/placeholder.png",
    "imageeight" : "img/placeholder.png"
  gasmeter = {
    "url" : "img/gas/gas1.png",
    "gasvalue" : "1"
  gasmeter1 = {
    "url" : "img/gas/gas1.png",
    "gasvalue" : "1"
  ArrayInfo.returned = false;
  RawDate = {};
  Dates = {};


  return ArrayInfo;
  return gasmeter;
  return gasmeter1;
  return placeholders;
  return RawDate;
  return Dates;


and I am loading information into my controller like this

$ = infoFactory;
$scope.Dates = Dates;
$scope.RawDate = RawDate;
$scope.gasmeter = gasmeter;
$scope.gasmeter1 = gasmeter1;


The angular version I am using is "3.6.6"


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1 answer

First of all, when you put return

in your code, there is no need to include additional code after that, because it will never run. Instead, you need to return Object


mainapp.factory("infoFactory", function(){
  ArrayInfo = {};
  placeholders = {
    "licenseone" : "img/placeholder.png",
     // Rest of the images
  gasmeter = {
    "url" : "img/gas/gas1.png",
    "gasvalue" : "1"
  gasmeter1 = {
    "url" : "img/gas/gas1.png",
    "gasvalue" : "1"
  ArrayInfo.returned = false;
  RawDate = {};
  Dates = {};


  return { 
    ArrayInfo: ArrayInfo, 
    gasmeter: gasmeter, 
    gasmeter1: gasmeter1, 
    placeholders: placeholders, 
    RawDate: RawDate, 
    Dates: Dates 


Now you can enter infoFactory

into the controller and use it as follows: infoFactory.RawDate


Now, if you want to reset the factory, you can add a function to reset all data:

mainapp.factory("infoFactory", function(){
  // Save a reference to the current pointer of the factory, so you won't loose it inside other scopes  
  var self = this;

  self.params = {
       ArrayInfo: {},
       placeholders: {},
       gasmeter: {},
       gasmeter1: {},
       ArrayInfo: false,
       RawDate: {},
       Dates: {}

  self.reset = function() {
     self.params.ArrayInfo = {};

     self.params.placeholders.licenseone = "img/placeholder.png";

     self.params.gasmeter.url = "img/gas/gas1.png";
     self.params.gasmeter.gasvalue = "1";

     self.params.gasmeter1.url = "img/gas/gas1.png";
     self.params.gasmeter1.gasvalue = "1";

     self.params.ArrayInfo.returned = false;

     self.params.RawDate = {};

     self.params.Dates = {};
  self.reset(); // Call this function by default in order to initially set the factory properties 

  return { 
    reset: self.reset, // You can export the reset function and use it outside the factory too
    ArrayInfo: self.params.ArrayInfo, 
    gasmeter: self.params.gasmeter, 
    gasmeter1: self.params.gasmeter1, 
    placeholders: self.params.placeholders, 
    RawDate: self.params.RawDate, 
    Dates: self.params.Dates 


Now that you have a reset function, you can use it like outside the factory: infoFactory.reset()

whenever you want to reset the data to its original state. I created inside the factory a base object ( this.params = { .. }

) and stored all the properties of the parts inside it, inside the function reset

I updated these properties without breaking the original references ( Working example ).

The above example is an example, but you can (or perhaps should) encapsulate params

from a factory and allow the user to manipulate and change the values ​​using helper functions. An example of how to do this:

mainapp.factory("infoFactory", function(){
  var self = this;

  self.params = {
     returned: false,

  return {
     setReturned: function(val) { self.params.returned = val === true; },
     returned: function() { return self.params.returned; }


The above example will hide the actual one params.returned

from the user outside the factory and only allow the return flag to be set via a helper function, that is, infoFactory.setReturned( true );

or infoFactory.setReturned( false );

, but inside setReturned

you can implement complex logic to check the value passed to the function. Note that this will infoFactory.setReturned( 'invalid value!!!' );

set the flag returned

to false

, since I am checking the value using the strict === - operator val === true


Then, to get the value from the factory, you call the function infoFactory.returned()

. By using a function, you are blocking external access to the factory properties.

As a side note - Don't use setTimeout(function(){ ... });

Use $ timeout and $ interval and you don't need $scope.$apply();

+ $scope.$digest();

to manually start the digest loop because it is handled nativaly by Angularjs for you.



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