Regex to extract county name from string

Trying to create a regex in R to extract the county name from a string. Of course, you cannot just take the first word before the word "county" because some countries have a 2 or 3 word name. There are some other complex expressions to work with in this particular dataset. This is my first try:


foo <- data.table(foo=c("Unemployment Rate in Southampton County, VA"
                        ,"Personal Income in Southampton County + Franklin City, VA"
                        ,"Mean Commuting Time for Workers in Southampton County, VA"
                        ,"Estimate of People Age 0-17 in Poverty for Southampton County, VA"))

foo[,county:=trimws(regmatches(foo,gregexpr("(?<=\\bfor|in\\b).*?(?=(City|Municipality|County|Borough|Census Area|Parish),)",foo,perl=T)),"both")]


Any help would be greatly appreciated!


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1 answer

Another strategy: use a list of possible county names:

counties <- sapply(strsplit(map("county", plot=F)$names,",",T), "[", 2)
counties <- unique(sub("(.*?):.*", "\\1", counties))
counties <- sub("^st", "st.?", counties)
foo=c("Unemployment Rate in Southampton County, VA"
                        ,"Personal Income in Southampton County + Franklin City, VA"
                        ,"Mean Commuting Time for Workers in Southampton County, VA"
                        ,"Estimate of People Age 0-17 in Poverty for Southampton County, VA")
  foo, paste0("\\b(", paste(counties, collapse = "|"), ")\\b(?!\\s*city)"), case_insensitive=TRUE
# [[1]]
# [1] "Southampton"
# [[2]]
# [1] "Southampton"
# [[3]]
# [1] "Southampton"
# [[4]]
# [1] "Southampton"




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