Invite someone from contacts who don't have an app?

I want my iPhone app users to invite people from their contacts to the group they are creating. I can use deeplinks for people who already have the app installed so the prompt is automatically displayed, but I was wondering if I could somehow convey user information to someone downloading the app for the first time after they first open the app. we invite you to wait.

This is not possible as far as I can tell, but I was wondering if there is any other way to associate a contact with this person who makes an account on their own device. My app uses gmail authentication to create an account, so if all each other's gmails were saved in their contact, it might be possible, but it is not, unfortunately. If I could get the user's phone number it would be easy, but I know it is forbidden without asking the user.

Does anyone know if it is possible to do something like deeplinking for people installing the app for the first time?


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3 answers

You can do this with Google Firebase Dynamic Links. Google has a guide for this:



If I understood the question correctly, here's what I would do:

Scenario: Send invitation

  • If the email invited by the user is a registered email, complete.

  • If the email invited by the user is not a registered email, please save it in a separate table ( pending invites


Scenario: Register / Login

  • The user registers e-mail, saves information about the user.

  • When the user logs in, check if the email exists in the table pending invites

    , if present, the real prompt.

  • Remove user from table pending invites

Not sure if you already have it, but you might need a db table to store the invitations sent by your users.



What you describe is called Deferred Deep Linking ( Deep Linking

refers to using a link to open an app directly to a specific piece of content, Deferred

meaning that it works even if the app is not installed first).

As you noted, there is no way to accomplish this on iOS or Android. URL schemes don't work because they always fail with an error if the app isn't installed. Apple newer Universal Links in iOS 9+ comes close to the point that they at least don't throw an error if the app isn't installed, but you'll still have to handle redirecting the user from their website to the App Store. You cannot pass context through the app after installation using Universal Links, so you cannot present the prompt. Additionally. Universal Links are actually not supported in many places .

To make this work, you need a remote server to close the loop. You can build this yourself , but you really shouldn't for many reasons (not least because you have more important things to do). Free services like (full disclosure: Branch is so cool I work there) and Firebase Dynamic Links are designed to address exactly this requirement, and can handle all the back-end infrastructure for deferred deep linking, so you don't need to. From your point of view, as a developer, you can easily get exactly the same data to work with whether the app was installed when the link was clicked.



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