Unity3D Kudan SDK No marker help
hey everyone
I am developing an augmented reality app for furniture for my dissertation and need quite a lot of help as I cannot find it yet where there are tutorials etc.
I do this in Unity using the Kudan SDK AS, this is almost the only sdk available that has SLAM technology (no token) while the others don't and others pay £ 2000 +
I need help implementing functions for positioning / moving objects placed in the real world via an iPhone.
I need help implementing functions to adjust / resize objects through my iPhone using my fingers on the touchscreen
Does anyone have a manual / script / manual they can help me with?
Looking at the dropdown button that when clicked opens the dropdown and each dropdown is assigned to an object. Thank you in advance.
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you can use a plugin for Unity called Lean Touch and its Free. This is what you want to achieve with 0% encoding.
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