AWS SES SDK Sends Email With Attached Files

I'm using the official AWS Golang SDK to integrate with SES, but can't find any information on how to add some attachments (pdf file, represented as [] byte in the code) via email.

could you help me?

The current sending email code looks like this:

sesEmailInput := &ses.SendEmailInput{
    Destination: &ses.Destination{
        ToAddresses: []*string{aws.String("To address")},
    Message: &ses.Message{
        Subject: &ses.Content{
            Data: aws.String("Some text"),
        Body: &ses.Body{
            Html: &ses.Content{
                Data: aws.String("Some Text"),
    Source: aws.String("From address"),
    ReplyToAddresses: []*string{
        aws.String("From address"),
if _, err := s.sesSession.SendEmail(sesEmailInput); err != nil {
    return err



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1 answer

To send attachments, use the SendRawEmail API instead of SendEmail. AWS documentation generally refers to this as creating a "raw message" rather than explicitly calling the application.


From the AWS SDK for Go API Reference below:

params := &ses.SendRawEmailInput{
    RawMessage: &ses.RawMessage{ // Required
        Data: []byte("PAYLOAD"), // Required
    ConfigurationSetName: aws.String("ConfigurationSetName"),
    Destinations: []*string{
        aws.String("Address"), // Required
        // More values...
    FromArn:       aws.String("AmazonResourceName"),
    ReturnPathArn: aws.String("AmazonResourceName"),
    Source:        aws.String("Address"),
    SourceArn:     aws.String("AmazonResourceName"),
    Tags: []*ses.MessageTag{
        { // Required
            Name:  aws.String("MessageTagName"),  // Required
            Value: aws.String("MessageTagValue"), // Required
        // More values...
resp, err := svc.SendRawEmail(params)


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