Typescript Intellisense and syntax checker not working in Visual Studio 2017 community

It is very disappointing, the latest version and community update VS2017 is installed. In my opinion the file is tsconfig.json

not required, however, when trying to get it to work, it was created and the content is currently:

  "compileOnSave": true,
   "compilerOptions": {
    "allowJs": true, 
    "noEmit": true

  "typeAcquisition": {
    "enable": true


As an example, I would expect, by clicking on a letter s

as part of the input var x:string;

, a list of options would be presented. This works correctly in VS Code.

No clear red lines are displayed for syntax checking.

Also, saving only a typescript file in a project neither creates nor creates a Javascript file. Manually building the project does it right.


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1 answer

Go to Tools -> Options -> Text Editor -> JavaScript / TypeScript -> Intellisense.

Select a value in the "Use Script Type Version:" ComboBox.

Visual Studio Options



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