Confusion over the "existential wrapper" of Haskell

From the Haskell file:

import GHC.Exts (Constraint)

-- |Existential wrapper 
data Some :: (* -> Constraint) -> * where
  Some :: f a => { unSome :: a } -> Some f


I know what Constraint

a different view represents *

, which can be used to categorize the types of contexts that appear to the left of =>


But in what sense is the Some

existential wrapper? How can this be used as such?


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1 answer

The weird GADT / record syntax that doesn't look like it should compile aside, we can figure out what's going on here by setting f ~ Eq


Some :: Eq a => a -> Some Eq


So given the Eq

uatable thing, we get the Some Eq

uatable thing out of this. Let's apply this to 'a' :: Char

and see what happens:

(Some :: Eq Char => Char -> Some Eq) ('a' :: Char) :: Some Eq


As you can see, we "forgot" the exact type of the value, but we "remembered" that it is Eq


The GADT you provide is just a generalization of this from Eq

to anything with the look * -> Constraint


(Eq :: * -> Constraint) (Char :: *) :: Constraint
(f :: * -> Constraint) (a :: *) :: Constraint


As for why it is called "existential", GADT hides the implicit one forall

in the constructor declaration:

Some :: forall a. f a => { unSome :: a } -> Some f


After pattern matching, Some f

you will get a value of a type f a => a

where a

it cannot escape its scope for technical reasons. (Which is called skolem ). You can use the CPS combinator to make it work with it:

ambiguously :: (forall s. f s => s -> r) -> Some f -> r
ambiguously f (Some s) = f s


Now you have ambiguously show :: Some Show -> String

one that shows the Some Show

capable thing. It is called "ambiguous" because it is ambiguous in which the actual type is used (i.e. it works for ambiguously show $ Some 'a'

and ambiguously show $ Some "asdf"


We cannot do

disambiguate :: f a => Some f -> a
disambiguate (Some a) = a


due to the above skolem limitation.

My (unpublished) library related to this is even more general looking.



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