Copy excel column formula in all rows when writing dynamic data from DB to PHP

I am using PHP (laravel)

to dynamically write data in an excel sheet from a database. I have an excel sheet in which I have filled the data in the first row with a multi-column formula.

Now what I want is I just want to dynamically copy this formula in each respective column as I write data dynamically. I am using maatwebsite to write data in an excel sheet. See below code.

Excel::selectSheetsByIndex(1)->load(public_path('uploads') . '/data.xlsx', function($reader) {
            $reader->sheet('Sheetname', function($sheet) {
                        // Append row as very last
                            'appended', 'appended' // Here I am appending the dynamic data in my code.
        }, 'UTF-8')->store('xlsx', true);


Let's assume the column "M"

has a formula in the first row, so whenever a new record dynamically populates that column, the column must contain the same formula. How can I achieve this? Has anyone encountered this before?


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2 answers

you can use both $sheet->setCellValue('B5','=SUM(B2:B4)');

while writing data to excel file ... Hope this helps you ...

for($k=1;$k>n;$k++){ $sheet->setCellValue('AC' . $k, '=SUM(N' . $k . ',O' . $k . ',Q' . $k . ',S' . $k . ',T' . $k . ',V' . $k . ',Y' . $k . ',AB' . $k . ')'); }



You can try something like this

$rule = ['appended', 'appended']; 
    Excel::selectSheetsByIndex(1)->load(public_path('uploads') . '/data.xlsx', function ($reader) use ($rule) {
        $reader->sheet('Sheetname', function ($sheet) use ($rule) {
            // Append row as very last
    }, 'UTF-8')->store('xlsx', true);




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