How can I find all packages and their version used in my project?

I have a python project and I want to write "requirements" for it. So I need to find all the packages used in my project. Is there an easy way to do this?


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3 answers


pip freeze list all installed packages, use pipreqs. Pipreqs generates a .txt file for any import based project.

pip install pipreqs

    pipreqs [options] <path>

    --use-local           Use ONLY local package info instead of querying PyPI
    --pypi-server <url>   Use custom PyPi server
    --proxy <url>         Use Proxy, parameter will be passed to requests library. You can also just set the
                          environments parameter in your terminal:
                          $ export HTTP_PROXY=""
                          $ export HTTPS_PROXY=""
    --debug               Print debug information
    --ignore <dirs>...    Ignore extra directories
    --encoding <charset>  Use encoding parameter for file open
    --savepath <file>     Save the list of requirements in the given file
    --print               Output the list of requirements in the standard output
    --force               Overwrite existing requirements.txt


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You can do this by running pip freeze > requirements.txt

. I suggest going through here here as it is explained.

The command pip freeze

executes, according to the documentation :

Output installed packages in requirements format.


so on startup pip freeze > requirements.txt

you write the installed packages to a file .txt




original answer from my comment:

You can use pip freeze to list all installed packages with a specific version:

pip freeze > requirements.txt


This will work well, especially if you are using virtualenv . If not, and you only want to view the packages requested in a specific project, consider @ Sidon's answer .



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