Setting up external libraries using laravel mix

I need to use an external library in a webpack with laravel-mix. In a webpack I have to do something like this as described in the web docs

    output: {
        // export itself to a global var
        libraryTarget: "var",
        // name of the global var: "Foo"
        library: "Foo"
    externals: {
        // require("jquery") is external and available
        //  on the global var jQuery
        "jquery": "jQuery"


But can I do it with laravel mix?


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1 answer

In file webpack.mix.js

Only below

let mix = require('laravel-mix');


Add the following code

    externals: {
        "jquery": "jQuery"


Add any other external as needed. For example, I decided to load external React and ReactDOM, so my config is

    externals: {
        "react": "React",
        "react-dom": "ReactDOM"


Note that you can override any default webpack config inside the parameter object mix.webpackConfig

just like we did externals




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