Negative values ​​in SVMRank

I am using SVM-Rank.

Train file:

5 qid: 1 1: 67.3 2: 923.1 3: 0

2 qid: 1 1: 0 2: 789.54 3: 56.9

5 qid: 1 1: 0 2: 56.7 3: 0


And the test file:

1 1: 0 2: 923.1 3: 45.67

1 1: 23.3 2: 67.29 3: 42.7

1 1: 237.43 2: 81.6 3: 0


When executing ".exe" I get unexpected values ​​in the output. For example:






Why am I getting negative values?


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1 answer

In your case, these are obviously large numbers, but the principle remains the same.

Examples of restrictions in java:

int: βˆ’2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647. 
long: -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807


So, be careful, if your Chicken Whole Eater has a limit, then the value will turn negative



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