Is there a way to customize the jersey client request log level?

I am using jersey client

2.25 and I am logging my requests. I would like to enable or disable this login, preferably via a logging configuration file. I tried putting the files

on the classpath, but that doesn't seem to have any effect.

Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("my logger");

LoggingFilter filter = new LoggingFilter(logger, true);

Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient().register(filter);


Please note, that is LoggingFilter

deprecated for this version but appears to be reverting in 2.5.1. Recommendation 2.25 is to use LoggingFeature

, but I note that this is not in 2.5.1


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1 answer

I'm not sure why you can't find LoggingFeature

the version jersey 2.25.1


Following is one way to do it using LoggingFeature


Client class

Create your client object and set the logging level to Fine


// Define it as a constant
Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(YourClient.class.getName());

// Set logging level to FINE level for request/response logging    
Feature feature = new LoggingFeature(LOGGER, Level.FINE, Verbosity.PAYLOAD_ANY,

Client client = ClientBuilder.newBuilder().register(feature).build(); file -

Suppose below is the log config file -

handlers= java.util.logging.FileHandler

# Using this level, request/response logging can be controlled
.level= FINE

java.util.logging.FileHandler.pattern = ./logs/application.log

java.util.logging.FileHandler.limit = 5000

java.util.logging.FileHandler.count = 50

java.util.logging.FileHandler.formatter = java.util.logging.SimpleFormatter


The main class is

Use this log config file in your client application -

LogManager.getLogManager().readConfiguration(new FileInputStream("./config/"));


Now yours is LoggingFeature

set up for level logging Fine

and your log config file is set up for level level logging as well Fine

, this means the request / response will be logged in the logs.

If you change the level in the log config file, suppose from Fine


, your request / response will no longer be logged in the logs.

Edit Following are the maven dependencies I am using -


    <!-- Dependency for JSON request/response handling in Jersey -->


Edit . For console logging, you just need to configure the print request / response at the level Fine


handlers= java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler

.level= FINE

java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler.level = FINE
java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler.formatter = java.util.logging.SimpleFormatter


Importing a report of required classes -

import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import org.glassfish.jersey.logging.LoggingFeature;
import org.glassfish.jersey.logging.LoggingFeature.Verbosity;




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