Passing an unknown number of arguments to functions

In my current project, I had to implement several functions to handle varying amounts UITextField

across multiple screens of my application.

I think it would be more efficient if I could implement one function that can take any number UITextField


Is it possible to implement this twilight function on the swift 3?


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3 answers

Swift Variadic Parameters

provides you with these capabilities. Write variable parameters by inserting three period characters (...)

after the parameter type name. Here I give you a demo:

func anyNumberOfTextField(_ textField: UITextField...) {



Call the function as follows. Now you can pass any number of text fields. I passed three parameters here:

anyNumberField(UITextField(),UITextField(), UITextField(), UITextField())


Note. A function can have at most one variation parameter.

See Swift Functions for details



The easiest way is to pass an array of UITextFields:

func processTextFields(fields:[UITextField]) {
    for field in fields {
        // Process your text fields




I think you can do this by creating a function that takes a UITextField array as an argument.

func handle(textFields: [UITextField]) {
    // do your things here by accessing each textFields like : textFields[0]


Otherwise, you will just create multiple arguments that are equal to the number of text boxes you have to do something to. Hope this helps :)



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