How to dynamically schedule tasks in Django?

I need to create an application in Django that allows the user to perform some task every day at the time they specify at runtime.

I looked at Celery but couldn't find anything that helps. I found apply_async and I can get the task to execute once with a specific duration, but not repeat. I'm missing something, but I don't know what.

Please suggest how I can achieve this.


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5 answers

A simple solution that will prevent a large AMQP stack from being used by preventing external type dependencies Celery

. One thing you can do is that you can write a custom management command ,

python my_daily_cmd


If you are using windows use cron , if you are using windows use at or schtasks.exe ,

cron / at / schtasks.exe, you can run my_daily_cmd

at your desired time.



The advanced Python scheduler might be the solution for you.

APScheduler can add jobs dynamically.

You can see an example on github:





There is a package django-celery-beat

that allows you to dynamically add tasks to the database and then they are executed as you defined in the database (for example, every 5 minutes). But they currently have a bug whereby this task is not added to the celery queue when added to the database. One suggested solution is to restart the celery process every time a new task is added.
I solved it with Dan Baders package schedule

. I was scheduling a task every minute that checks the database for tasks that need to be done in the current minute. Then I start each of these tasks on a new thread.
Hope this helps.



An alternative to celery and cron is python-rq with rq-scheduler .



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