How to contact Telegram

I am using node.js module for Telegram bot. I am trying to reach a user by telegram using the telegram API. Telegram API has 2 types: Bot API and Telegram API .

I think the Bot API can't get user contacts. The Telegram API has a method contact.getContacts

. But I don't know how to use it.

How can I get contacts in Telegram?


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2 answers

The Bot API can also get contact information; I think it's easier in this case.

You can try the keyboard response request_contact . If the user clicks on it, you will receive a message with the Contact message .



  • this code will give you contact, user shares their contact with your bot, custom commands command '/ special' will be prompted by a button to allow bot to contact and reconcile your node server you can register contact information to declare markup ---->

    //declare Markup 
    const {Extra,Markup}= Telegraf;
    bot.command('special', (ctx) => {
    return ctx.reply('Special buttons keyboard', Extra.markup((markup) => {
    return markup.resize()
    //listens for the click on contact button
    bot.on('contact', (ctx) => {
    //logs { phone_number: '254*******',
    //first_name: 'nelsonBlack',
    //user_id: 73***** }



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