Converts a nested loop that returns a boolean to java 8 stream?
I have three classes ie Engine, Wheel and AutoMobile. The content of these classes is as follows: -
class Engine {
String modelId;
class Wheel {
int numSpokes;
class AutoMobile {
String make;
String id;
I have List<Engine>
, a List<Wheel>
and a List<Automobile>
, which I have to iterate over and check for a specific condition. If there is one entity that satisfies this condition, I must return true; otherwise, the function returns false.
The function is as follows:
Boolean validateInstance(List<Engine> engines, List<Wheel> wheels , List<AutoMobile> autoMobiles) {
for(Engine engine: engines) {
for(Wheel wheel : wheels) {
for(AutoMobile autoMobile : autoMobiles) {
if(autoMobile.getMake().equals(engine.getMakeId()) && autoMobile.getMaxSpokes() == wheel.getNumSpokes() && .... ) {
return true;
return false;
I have tried this so far
.map(engine ->
.map(wheel ->
.anyMatch( autoMobile -> {---The condition---})));
I know map () is not the proper function to be used. I don't understand how to solve this scenario. I went through the api documentation and tried forEach () with no result. I went through the reduce () api but I'm not sure how to use it.
I know the map will convert one stream to another stream, which shouldn't be done. Can anyone suggest how to solve this scenario.
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