PySpark 1.6.2 | collect () after orderBy / sort

I don't understand the behavior of this simple piece of PySpark code:

# Create simple test dataframe
l = [('Alice', 1),('Pierre', 3),('Jack', 5), ('Paul', 2)]
df_test = sqlcontext.createDataFrame(l, ['name', 'age'])

# Perform filter then Take 2 oldest
df_test = df_test.sort('age', ascending=False)\
             .filter('age < 4') \
# This outputs as expected :
# +------+---+
# |  name|age|
# +------+---+
# |Pierre|  3|
# |  Paul|  2|
# +------+---+

# This outputs unexpectedly :
# [Row(name=u'Pierre', age=3), Row(name=u'Alice', age=1)]


Is this the expected behavior of collect ()? How can I get my column as a list that preserves the correct order?



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1 answer

I had to use a UDF sorter to solve this problem

def sorter(l):
    import operator
    res = sorted(l, key =operator.itemgetter(0))
    L1=[item[1] for item in res]
    #return " ".join(str(x) for x in L)
    return "".join(L1)

sort_udf = udf(sorter)




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