Sphinx on centos 7 not working because searchd.pid is missing

I have installed sphinx-2.2.11 on my CentOS 7

yum install -y postgresql-libs unixODBC wget 
http://sphinxsearch.com/files/sphinx-2.2.11-1.rhel7.x86_64.rpm yum 
install sphinx-2.2.11-1.rhel7.x86_64.rpm


The installation went without any errors and then I created the sphinx config and installed the php extension (also all without errors)

I restart apache (httpd) and I tried to start the sphinx service

systemctl start searchd


I received this message

The job for searchd.service failed because the resource limit was exceeded. See "Systemctl status searchd.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details.

after running the command - systemctl status searchd.service

May 02 20:28:57 kvmde43-10657.fornex.org systemd [1]: Failed to read PID from file /var/run/sphinx/searchd.pid: Invalid argument May 02 20:28:57 kvmde43-10657.fornex .org systemd [1]: Failed to start SphinxSearch.

I didn't actually search for "searchd.pid" anywhere on the system, although the installation went well). How should I fix it?

Thank you in advance


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3 answers

I just solved this problem.

I took a look at the sphinx log / var / log / sphinx / searchd.log and noted that some of the data files in the / var / log / sphinx / data / folder are Permission denied;

I installed chown

sphinx: sphinx on / var / log / sphinx / data / folder and started working like a spell)




Same symptom with slightly different reason ... /var/log/sphinx/searchd.log shows

FATAL: failed to open '/var/data/binlog.lock': 13 'Permission denied'


Fixed by adding binlog_path =

to searchd

the sphinx.conf section. An empty path disables binary logging, which by default tries to open files in / var / data owned by the root user. Alternatively, you can specify the correct path to write with sphinx.



The Sphinx search index is a database spread over several files in the / var / lib / sphinx / folder. These filenames start with the doc prefix, which is the index name configured in /etc/sphinx/sphinx.conf.

The searchd service also stores binlog files in this folder so that it can restore Sphinx functionality in the event of a system crash. If you cannot start the searchd service because it cannot create the binlog file, try moving or deleting all binlog files. * From this folder and then start the service.



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