Elastic transcoder - MPEG Dash output - tutorials?
I am using AWS Elastic Encoder to encode to HLS (with success) and am trying to get the same mp4 files transcoded for playing in MPEG-Dash.
When I transcode to HLS I usually select segments in 30 seconds and for 5 minutes video I get 12 files and a playlist (using one of the built-in presets)
When I recode the same file to MPEG-Dash (using 30 second segments), I still end up with one big file. There are no segments. And there is no sound. The playlist format looks fine - in .mpd format. I am using the built-in preset.
Do I have to make two transcodes for each mpeg-dash transcode? One in video and another in audio, with a playlist to link them together?
Is there an online tutorial that describes how to encode in MPEG-Dash format?
Or what do most of you use?
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