Trying to use D3 with React to create a histogram

I am trying to make a simple bar chart using D3 in my web application that uses React for its frontend.

I'm new to D3 and I'm in a serious crisis to get the chart displayed on my webpage, so I figured the easiest thing for me would be to find a jsfiddle that displays a simple bar chart using D3 ( http: // jsfiddle .net / tommy351 / P4Z75 / ) and copy and paste the code into my dashboard.tsx file.

Note. The reason I chose D3 is because other, easier-to-use graphics libraries that integrate more seamlessly with React (like recharts, react-d3) don't have TypeScript definition files.

So here's a snippet of my dashboard.tsx file:

         import * as React from "react";
         import * as ReactDOM from "react-dom";
         import * as D3 from "d3";

         var data = [4, 5, 10, 16, 23, 35];
         var width = 500;
         var barHeight = 20;

         var x = d3.scale.linear()
             .domain([0, d3.max(data)])
             .range([0, width]);

        var chart ='#chart')
             .attr('width', width)
             .attr('height', barHeight * data.length);

        var bar = chart.selectAll('g')
            .attr('transform', function (d, i) {
              return 'translate(0,' + barHeight * i + ')';

             .attr('width', x)
             .attr('height', barHeight - 1);

              .attr('x', function (d) {
                return x(d) - 3;
              .attr('y', barHeight / 2)
              .attr('dy', '.35em')
              .text(function (d) {
                return d;
      render() {
         return ( <div>
            <svg id="chart"></svg>


There are errors in my console:

 Uncaught ReferenceError: Chartjs is not defined
   at (vendorReact.js:26748)
   at __webpack_require__ (vendorReact.js:53)
   at Object.<anonymous> (vendorReact.js:107)
   at __webpack_require__ (vendorReact.js:53)
   at vendorReact.js:96
   at vendorReact.js:99

 Dashboard.js:17482 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'linear' of 
   at Object.<anonymous> (Dashboard.js:17482)
   at Object.<anonymous> (Dashboard.js:17721)
   at Object.163 (Dashboard.js:17723)
   at __webpack_require__ (vendorReact.js:53)
   at Object.0 (Dashboard.js:17)
   at __webpack_require__ (vendorReact.js:53)
   at webpackJsonpCallback (vendorReact.js:24)
   at Dashboard.js:1


I tried the same thing with several jsfiddles and got similar errors in my console and couldn't get the graphics to render. Any idea what the problem might be?


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1 answer

Not sure about your first error, but the second might be due to version d3. If you are importing the latest version of d3 then there var x = d3.scale.linear()

should be var x = d3.scaleLinear()

. See the docs for more information .

Note. I usually just put this as a comment as it doesn't answer the whole question as I am one point of reputation shy about being able to comment on an apology.



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