SQL Server is the best way to join VARCHARs and INTs

I am looking for an efficient way to speed up my request. Let me describe the situation.

Every night we send reports from different suppliers to a spreadsheet. It's a lot of columns, but these columns below are the main columns I am using to join the query.

tblVendorShippingInfo (note that all theses below are VARCHAR as sometimes reports contain Varchar even in QtyShipped)

PONum     vSKU    vSKUDesc     ShipQuantity
P111111   A       Test1       5
P111111   A       Test1       2
P111111   B       Test3       5
P100002   C       Test4       6
P222222   D       Test5       7
P222222   D       Test5       6
P222222   E       Test6       7
PABC123   F       Test7       8
XYZ123    G       Test8       8
GHEHEH    H       Test9       8


tblPODetail - Our table for the purchase order. Please note that POID and DistyShippedQty are Integer. POID only has a 6-digit number.

POID      SKU     SKUDesc     DistyShippedQty
111111    A       Test1       
111111    B       Test3       
100002    C       Test4       
222222    D       Test5       
222222    E       Test6           


If I use the following query to get and update the DistyShippedQty it works, but slow because the conversion ... VARCHAR match ... etc.

select POID, SKU
, (
    SELECT SUM(ShipQuantity) AS ShipQuantity 
    FROM tblVendorShippingInfo
    WHERE substring(PONum, 2, 6) = Convert(varchar(10), pod.POID)
    AND vSKU = pod.SKU
    ) AS QtyCount
FROM tblPODetail pod 


So I'm looking for a better way to just filter the entries in the tblVendorShippingInfo table that only has a PONum with 6 digits starting from the second position (after P or any char), ignore all entries with characters (e.g. PABC123, XYZ123, GHEHEH), then index its so that it can be used to connect to the tblPODetail table.

I tried to create an indexed view with a filter, but when I run a query with that view, it failed.

Alter VIEW vw_tblVendorShippingInfo WITH SCHEMABINDING AS
select dfID, substring(PONum,2, 6) AS POID
, vSKU, ShipQuantity
FROM dbo.tblVendorShippingInfo
WHERE 1 = 1
AND PONum like '%[^0-9]%'


Any guidance would be appreciated.


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2 answers

I think you are on the right track. You just need the correct expression for like


       (SELECT SUM(ShipQuantity) AS ShipQuantity 
        FROM tblVendorShippingInfo vsi
        WHERE substring(vsi.PONum, 2, 6) = Convert(varchar(10), pod.POID) AND
              vSKU = pod.SKU
       ) as QtyCount
FROM tblPODetail pod 
WHERE PONum like '[A-Za-z][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]';


If you want to index this as an integer use a calculated column:

alter table tblVendorShippingInfo add column POID_num as try_convert(int, substring(PONum, 2, 6);

create index idx_tblVendorShippingInfo_POID on tblVendorShippingInfo(POID_num);



assumes SQL Server 2012+. You can do something similar with earlier versions of SQL Server.



If it is Oracle (and possibly others) you can specify the index on the virtual / computed column.

Alternatively add a column and fill it once during night load.



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