Set a timeout for warning in Ionic2
I have created a warning message that I want to close after the set time. Below is my code:
showAlert() {
let alert = this.alertCtrl.create({
subTitle: 'The information you have provided is incomplete or invalid. Please check your entries and check again.'
showAlert () is the method that will be called after the event. Now I want to set a timeout for it, but I couldn't find any solution for this.
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2 answers
If you want to use a timeout to trigger an alert,
you can use a global function setTimeout()
like this:
showAlert() {
let alert = this.alertCtrl.create({
subTitle: 'The information you have provided is incomplete or invalid. Please check your entries and check again.'
If you want to fire after a timeout,
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Instead of using an alert, prefer to use toast for such problems, you can display it for as long as you want.
to use toast, you can proceed as follows:
import {Toast} from 'ionic-native';"The information you have provided is incomplete or invalid. Please check your entries and check again.", '3000', 'center').subscribe(
toast => {
"3000": this is the time you want to display, the time in milliseconds, therefore 3000 = 3 seconds. "center": This is the position of the toast, it can be either top or bottom.
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