How to add a condition to a class in vue.js 2?

My vue component looks like this:

    <a href="javascript:" class="btn btn-block" :class="{ product == 'responseFound' ? ' btn-default' : ' btn-success' }" @click="add($event)">


There are errors:

invalid expression :: class = "{product == 'responseFound'? 'btn-default': 'btn-success'}"

How can I solve it?


source to share

2 answers

Just remove the parentheses in :class


    <a href="javascript:" class="btn btn-block" :class="product == 'responseFound' ? ' btn-default' : ' btn-success'" @click="add($event)">


If you want to add additional conditions, wrap it []

to create an array:

:class="[product == 'responseFound' ? ' btn-default' : ' btn-success', foo ? 'foo' : 'bar']"




I would use a computed property for this behavior.

Which removes the logic from your template and moves it into your script part.

    <a href="javascript:" class="btn btn-block" :class="classes" @click="add($event)">

      export default {
         computed: {
                classes() {
                    return this.product == 'responseFound' ? 'btn-default' : 'btn-success'             




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