Rotate the camera around the Y axis.

We are making a VR / Stereoscopic web application with the tag. js where we would like to display the angle the camera is looking at.

Example: We have a "room". The center camera from which the camera's pivot point is anchored to the orbital controls.

# create a camera and place it in the scene
camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(90, 1, 0.1, 2000);
camera.position.set(0, 35, 60);
# Attach Orbital controls
controls = new THREE.OrbitControls(camera, element); + 0.1, camera.position.y, camera.position.z);
controls.enableZoom = true;
controls.enablePan = true;
# Attach DeviceOrientationControls
controls = new THREE.DeviceOrientationControls(camera, true);


Now, during each animation call, we check the camera vector:

vector = camera.getWorldDirection();
theta = Math.atan2(vector.x, vector.z);
phi = Math.sqrt((vector.x * vector.x) + (vector.z * vector.z));
pitch = Math.atan2(phi, vector.y);


Expecting the following in radians:

  • Theta should be rotated from the original direction (Z), as if you were looking down from the (Y) axis. (think of a clock on the ground under the camera)
  • Phi is the height from the original direction (z) up or down. (Think of a clock on the camera side.)
  • The pitch will be a rotation around the Z axis when looking down the original Z vector. (Think of the clock on the back of the camera.)

However, Theta seems to be constantly shutting down. Phi and Pitch look ok. Convert radians to degrees, for example:pitch * (180/Math.PI)

The world and the camera itself seem to refresh and rotate just fine, and turning the phone / VR glasses left or right seems to produce and natural "look around the room" movement.

Taking these measurements is done by checking rotation one axis at a time, and basically holding the other two towards the original.

What are we missing?


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2 answers

So we managed to dig deeper into this. We build a cnc turntable and measured angles on phones and also compare with the input we fed on a computer controlled turntable.

Conclusion: Chrome is a piece of crap. It cannot and will not even provide nearly useful data. And it won't produce anything even remotely close to repeatability.

Firefox on the same phones has some issues with axis flipping at some points (possibly gimbal-anchored or something due to rotation overflowing more than 360 degrees), but it's very close to our entrance (less than 1% off) and super reliable and repeatable.



You can call camera.getWorldRotation()

to get euler .



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