Radio input knockout observable Array loses control after splicing

Enter radio input inside element multiplied by foreach knockout .

Give the observable array to this foreach.

Make a function to switch two of these items.


<!-- ko foreach: boxes -->
  <!-- ko text: $data --><!-- /ko -->:
  <label><input type=radio value=apple data-bind="attr: { name: 'fruit-' + $index() }">apple</label>
  <label><input type=radio value=banana data-bind="attr: { name: 'fruit-' + $index() }">banana</label>
<!-- /ko -->
<button data-bind="click: switchBoxes">switch</button>



var viewModel = function () {
    this.boxes = ko.observableArray(['First', 'Second']);

  this.switchBoxes = function () {
    this.boxes.splice(0, 2, this.boxes()[1], this.boxes()[0]);

ko.applyBindings(new viewModel());



Now - check both radios, then switch. See? One of the radio stations loses its validation.

Any idea to prevent this?

One strange thing: the loss only occurs when both radios are checked.


source to share

1 answer

Since you haven't bound a property checked

, the checked state is irrelevant to Knockout. I thought that simple observation and binding checked

would make Knockout keep everything in shape. Not so: you seem to have found a bug.

For some reason, Knockout doesn't set the new last item in the list correctly. I was able to fix this by adding a call valueHasMutated

to the checked

-bound observable for the last item in the blocks.

var viewModel = function() {
  this.boxes = ko.observableArray([{
    name: 'First',
    value: ko.observable('')
  }, {
    name: 'Second',
    value: ko.observable('')

  this.switchBoxes = function() {
    const arr = this.boxes();

    this.boxes.splice(0, 2, arr[1], arr[0]);

ko.applyBindings(new viewModel());

<script src=""></script>
<!-- ko foreach: boxes -->
  <!-- ko text: name -->
  <!-- /ko -->
  <!-- ko text: value -->
  <!-- /ko -->):
  <label><input type=radio value=apple data-bind="attr: { name: 'fruit-' + $index() }, checked: value">apple</label>
  <label><input type=radio value=banana data-bind="attr: { name: 'fruit-' + $index() }, checked: value">banana</label>
<!-- /ko -->

<button data-bind="click: switchBoxes">switch</button>

Run code



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