Sequential linking of sequences

What is the best practice to chain 5-6 single observables that are executed sequentially? For example, I have Single1-> Single2-> ... → Single6.

Single2 depends on the result of Single1. Single3 depends on the result of Single2, etc.

I used nested flatMap

code, but the code is really long and the readability is really low.

What's the best guideline for this case?


source to share

1 answer

You don't need to nest the calls flatMap

, you can just chain them and get a clear chaining of the observable flow:

    .flatMap(new Func1<Item1, Single<Item2>>() {
        public Single<Item2> call(Item1 obj) {
            return getSingle2(obj);
    .flatMap(new Func1<Item2, Single<Item3>>() {
        public Single<Item3> call(Item2 obj) {
            return getSingle3(obj);
    .flatMap(new Func1<Item3, Single<Item4>>() {
        public Single<Item4> call(Item3 obj) {
            return getSingle4(obj);
    .flatMap(new Func1<Item4, Single<Item5>>() {
        public Single<Item5> call(Item4 obj) {
            return getSingle5(obj);
    .flatMap(new Func1<Item5, Single<Item6>>() {
        public Single<Item6> call(Item5 obj) {
            return getSingle6(obj);


and with a lambda it can get really neat:





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