Using and_then with different types of result errors without map_err

I have some functions that will return a different type of error on failure.

First, I have a builder that contains this method:

pub enum BuilderError {
    ElementMissing(&'static str),

pub fn spawn(self) -> Result<ServiceStatus, BuilderError>


Thus, it will return BuildError

on failure.

Now I have another function that will return another error:

pub enum XmlError {

pub fn create_xml(service_status: super::ServiceStatus) -> Result<String, XmlError>


The idea is that I use a constructor to create an object ServiceStatus

and use it to create an XML string with a function create_xml


For this I have this code:

pub enum WebserviceError {

impl std::error::Error for WebserviceError {

impl From<XmlError> for WebserviceError {
    fn from(error: XmlError) -> WebserviceError {

impl From<BuilderError> for WebserviceError {
    fn from(error: BuilderError) -> WebserviceError {

fn test() -> Result<String, status::WebserviceError> {
    let service_status = builder.spawn()?;
    let xml = status::create_xml(service_status)?;


Now I think I can use better and_then

instead of using? operator:

fn test() -> Result<String, status::WebserviceError> {
        .and_then(|hue| status::create_xml(hue).map_err(status::WebserviceError::XmlError))


This solution works too, but now I need to explicitly call map_err

to convert from BuilderError

or XmlError

to WebserviceError


So my question is, can I do better? I think a solution like this would be ideal:

fn test() -> Result<String, status::WebserviceError> {



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2 answers

After some testing, here is the solution:

trait CustomAndThen<T, E> {
    fn and_then2<U, E2, F: FnOnce(T) -> Result<U, E2>>(self, op: F) -> Result<U, E>
        where E: std::convert::From<E2>;

impl<T, E> CustomAndThen<T, E> for Result<T, E> {
    fn and_then2<U, E2, F: FnOnce(T) -> Result<U, E2>>(self, op: F) -> Result<U, E>
        where E: std::convert::From<E2>
        match self {
            Ok(t) => op(t).map_err(From::from),
            Err(e) => Err(e),




This will create a custom function and_then

for the type Result

that will do the conversion inside it, cleaning up the code



If you are not really interested in the exact error, but finally summarize the last error, you can use something like:

    .and_then(|v| status.create_xml(v).ok())
    .ok_or_else(|| SomeError('failed to create xml'))




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