Laravel split in blade pattern with nested foreach

I am retrieving an array of space-separated IDs as shown below.

  @foreach($user_notify->user_notify_divisions as $user_notify)


Then the value of $ user_notify will be the identifier

   $user_notify = 2 3 4 5


I have a database table section_list

            id        division_name
             1         工業製品卸・小売
             2         繊維・衣料製造
             3         繊維・衣料卸・小売
             4         食品製造
             5         食品卸・小売
             6         医薬品製造


Now how to get the division_name with the above id string

Thanks everyone!


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3 answers

As laravel

blade templating

you can do this as follows: nested foreach


Another problem in your code: you are iterating over $user_notify->user_notify_divisions

and define the value as $user_notify

, you should have a different variable name instead of the same name as for the object

@foreach($user_notify->user_notify_divisions as $user_notify)


Corrected code:

@foreach($user_notify->user_notify_divisions as $user_data)
    @foreach(explode(" ",$user_data) as $ids)




you can use explode()

to split a string.

$arr = explode(' ', $user_notify);




You can use explode

or direct access by ID.

$id_array = [2,3,4,5];
dd($id_array[0]); // results 2




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