Why is this Github project converting a string to bool?

This is a very popular C ++ project for bioinformatics on Github:


there is a line:

bool good = getline(*m_pReader, line);


I cannot compile this line, and I do not know why the author did it.

According to the documentation , it getline

returns a string, not a bool. Indeed, this is what I get when I try to compile the project:

ClusterReader.cpp: In member function โ€˜bool 
ClusterReader.cpp:70:41: error: cannot convert โ€˜std::basic_istream<char>โ€™ to โ€˜boolโ€™ in initialization
 bool good = getline(*m_pReader, line);


Why did C ++ code convert string to bool? How is this possible?


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2 answers

std :: getline doesn't return std::string

, but std::basic_istream

. For, getline(*m_pReader, line);

it just returns *m_pReader



can be implicitly converted to bool

via std :: basic_ios :: operator bool (since C ++ 11),

Returns true

if the stream has no errors and is ready for I / O operations. In particular, it returns !fail()


Prior to C ++ 11, it can be implicitly converted to void*

, which can also be converted to bool


It seems your compiler was unable to do the implicit conversion, you can use !fail()

as a workaround eg.

bool good = !getline(*m_pReader, line).fail();




See question .

User Loki Astari wrote in his answer:

getline () actually returns a reference to the stream in which it was used. When a stream is used in a boolean context, it is converted to an unspecified type (C ++ 03) that can be used in a boolean context. In C ++ 11, this has been updated and converted to bool.

This means that you are probably not using a modern compiler (C ++ 03 or even better C ++ 11). If you are using g++

or gcc

, try adding -std=c++11

to the command.



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