Crash on Porting Inception V3 Custom Model into Tensor Flow Demo Camera for Android
My target task:
- create checkpoint files for my custom classes (one class) using starter V3 arch .: Beginning in TensorFlow
- freeze them on protobuf (.pb) using freeze_graph
- optimize frozen graph with optimize_for_inference
- Use pb file in Android TF Camera Demo : TensorFlow Camera Demo
In step 1 when training, the batch size is set to 1. Also added images = tf.identity(images, name='Inputs_layer')
to name the tensor network as suggested in the question
No operation named [input] in Graph "fine tuning / retraining error inceptionV1 fine model .
Before step 3
>> bazel-bin/tensorflow/tools/graph_transforms/summarize_graph --
No inputs spotted.
No variables spotted.
Found 1 possible outputs: (name=tower_0/logits/predictions, op=Softmax)
Found 21781804 (21.78M) const parameters, 0 (0) variable parameters, and 188
Op types used: 777 Const, 378 Mul, 284 Add, 283 Sub, 190 Identity, 188 Sum,
96 Reshape, 94
Conv2D, 94 StopGradient, 94 SquaredDifference, 94 Square, 94 Mean, 94 Rsqrt,
94 Relu, 94
Reciprocal, 15 ConcatV2, 10 AvgPool, 4 MaxPool, 1 RealDiv, 1 RandomUniform, 1
QueueDequeueManyV2, 1 Softmax, 1 Split, 1 MatMul, 1 Floor, 1 FIFOQueueV2, 1
Step 3
bazel-bin/tensorflow/python/tools/optimize_for_inference \
--input=tensorflow/examples/android/assets/frozen_graph.pb \
--output=tensorflow/examples/android/assets/stripped_graph.pb \
--input_names=inputs_layer \
After step 3
>>> bazel-bin/tensorflow/tools/graph_transforms/summarize_graph --
No inputs spotted.
No variables spotted.
Found 1 possible outputs: (name=tower_0/logits/predictions, op=Softmax)
Found 21781804 (21.78M) const parameters, 0 (0) variable parameters, and 188
Op types used: 777 Const, 378 Mul, 284 Add, 283 Sub, 188 Sum, 96 Reshape, 94
Conv2D, 94 StopGradient, 94 SquaredDifference, 94 Square, 94 Mean, 94 Rsqrt,
94 Relu, 94 Reciprocal, 15 ConcatV2, 10 AvgPool, 4 MaxPool, 1 RealDiv, 1
RandomUniform, 1 QueueDequeueManyV2, 1 Softmax, 1 Split, 1 MatMul, 1 Floor, 1
FIFOQueueV2, 1 BiasAdd
To use with tensorflow/tools/benchmark:benchmark_model try these arguments:
run tensorflow/tools/benchmark:benchmark_model -- --
graph=stripped_graph.pb --show_flops --logtostderr --input_layer= --
input_layer_type= --input_layer_shape= --
private static final int INPUT_SIZE = 224;//299; //224;
private static final int IMAGE_MEAN = 117;
private static final float IMAGE_STD = 1;
private static final String INPUT_NAME = "inputs_layer";
private static final String OUTPUT_NAME = "tower_0/logits/predictions";
private static final String MODEL_FILE =
private static final String LABEL_FILE =
After following the above 4 steps, APK crash log on Android device:
E/AndroidRuntime( 8558): FATAL EXCEPTION: inference
E/AndroidRuntime( 8558): Process: org.tensorflow.demo, PID: 8558
E/AndroidRun time( 8558): java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No Operation
named [inputs_layer] in the Graph
How to fix it?
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