Ref response on non-method-affected component

I am using ref on a component to force a filter form reset from its parent.

In the same component, we have:

handleFilterReset() {
  // this.filterForm is defined but reset() isn't exposed
  // see console.log(this.filterForm) output below

render() {
  return (
    <FilterBox onReset={::this.handleFilterReset}>
      <FilterForm ref={(ref) => { this.filterForm = ref }} />


And in FilterForm we have:

class FilterForm extends React.Component {
  reset() {
    // this is not being called


console.log output:

ProxyComponent {props: Object, context: Object, refs: Object, updater: Object, _reactInternalInstance: ReactCompositeComponentWrapper ...}

It seems to me that everything is done in accordance with the official documents. However, I am getting the following error:

Uncaught TypeError: this.filterForm.reset is not a function

at SalesChannelsList.handleFilterReset



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2 answers

Found! It was "because" from React Intl.

1) Use withRef parameter to true when using injectIntl:

injectIntl(SalesChannelsFilterForm, { withRef: true })


2) In the ref callback of your component, you can access your instance with the following code

ref={(ref) => this.filterForm = ref.refs.wrappedInstance}


However, this will crash because the ref callback is called twice during render (), the first time with a null value. Therefore, you should first of all make sure that it is defined. My complete solution:

In the render () method on the component:



Then the handler:

setFilterFormRef(ref) {
  if (ref && ref.refs) {
    this.filterForm = ref.refs.wrappedInstance





I would use ref = "refName" instead of a function (which is created again for every render) and then access it via this.refs


Anyway, here's a working example:



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