How to make the ion range the required field within the form

To get user ratings, I use the ionic range component inside the form. Although this is a required field system, you can save reviews without specifying a rating value.

<form #Form="ngForm" (ngSubmit)="save()" >   
      <ion-range min="0" max="100" pin="true" [(ngModel)]="rating" [ngModelOptions]="{standalone: true}" required>
        <ion-icon range-left name="sad"></ion-icon>
        <ion-icon range-right name="happy"></ion-icon>
    <button ion-button [disabled]="!Form.form.valid" ion-button full color="secondary" >Save</button>


What is the reason for this?


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1 answer

The attribute is required

n't part of the Range component , so it won't work that way.

What you can do is add another condition to the disabled

button attribute like

<button ion-button [disabled]="!Form.form.valid || rating === 0" ion-button full color="secondary" >Save</button>


So the button will still be disabled if the property rating

is 0.



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