Error: The execution of the user group command failed because the GROUP_COORDINATOR request in brokers failed List (localhost: 9092 (id: -1 rack: null))

I am using one node Kafka cluster (version 0.10.2) and a single node zookeeper (3.4.9). I have about 310 topics with Avg 100 sections per topic. About Kafka broker, when I execute command to check client status in group

./ --bootstrap-server localhost: 9092 --describe --group

Most of the time it will throw an error:

Error: Executing consumer group command failed due to Request GROUP_COORDINATOR failed on brokers List(localhost:9092 (id: -1 rack: null))


and the rest of the time it shows the correct result.

I googled but couldn't find the exact result of this error. Can anyone tell me how to fix this error? Any help would be appreciated.


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1 answer

Can you connect to localhost: 9092?

I get this error whenever the boot server url is incorrect.

Try any other host and you will see the same error.



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