Merge more than two data frames when assigning an identifier in R

Take this very simple RWE, I want to know which package can be used to automatically assign a factor (dataframe name is preferred) when we combine two or more data.frames

I manually defined the coefficient in the example below and showed the desired result. But I want to automate it as I have over 100 tables to merge. Note that the headers inside each df are constant, only the name itself changes

A <- 1:5
B <- 5:1

df1 <- data.frame(A,B)

A <- 2:6
B <- 6:2

df2 <- data.frame(A,B)

df1$ID <- rep("df1", 5)
df2$ID <- rep("df2", 5)

big_df <- rbind(df1,df2)



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3 answers

Assuming your data.frame names follow a specific pattern, for example starting with "df" followed by numbers, and they are not listed but just in your global environment, you can use the following:

bigdf <- rbindlist(Filter(, mget(ls(pattern = "^df\\d+"))), id = "ID")


Without data.table, you can do it like this:

lst <- Filter(, mget(ls(pattern = "^df\\d+")))
bigdf <-, Map(function(df, id) transform(df, ID=id), lst, names(lst)))




Consider the following:

cof_df <- bind_rows(df1, df2, .id="ID")
   ID A B
1   1 1 5
2   1 2 4
3   1 3 3
4   1 4 2
5   1 5 1
6   2 2 6
7   2 3 5
8   2 4 4
9   2 5 3
10  2 6 2


And then:

cof_df$ID <- factor(cof_df$ID, 
                    levels = c(1,2),
                    labels = paste0("df", unique(cof_df$ID)))


performs transcoding.

A similar result can be obtained by naming the arguments in bind_rows

, as in

cof_df <- bind_rows(df1=df1, df2=df2, .id="ID")




Another solution would be to use merge:

merged <- merge(df1, df2, all=TRUE, sort =FALSE)

> merged
   A B  ID
1  1 5 df1
2  2 4 df1
3  3 3 df1
4  4 2 df1
5  5 1 df1
6  2 6 df2
7  3 5 df2
8  4 4 df2
9  5 3 df2
10 6 2 df2




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