How to convert one integer number of days to pandas datetime

I have a dataframe with a "time" column of floating point numbers representing days 0 to 8 and another column with other data. The time step is not continuous.

time_clean = np.arange(0, 8, 0.1)
noise = [random.random()/10 for n in range(len(time_clean))]
time = time_clean + noise

data = [random.random()*100 for n in range(len(time_clean))]

df = pd.DataFrame({"time": time, "data":data})

      data      time
0  89.965240  0.041341
1  95.964621  0.109215
2  70.552763  0.232596
3  74.457244  0.330750
4  13.228426  0.471623


I want to re-display and interpolate data every 15 minutes ( 15/(60*24)


I think the most efficient way to do this would be using resample

the pandas dataframes method, but for that I need to convert the time column to timestamp

and make it an index.

What's the most efficient way to do this? Can you convert int

to datetime



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1 answer

I think you need to convert the column first time


and then sort_values

with resample


Also I think it is best to add one new row with 0

for always triggers resampling from 0

(if 0

not in a column time

it starts at minimum value time


df.loc[-1] = 0
df.time = pd.to_timedelta(df.time, unit='d')
df = df.sort_values('time').set_index('time').resample('15T').ffill()
print (df.head(20))
00:00:00   0.000000
00:15:00   0.000000
00:30:00   0.000000
00:45:00   0.000000
01:00:00   0.000000
01:15:00   0.000000
01:30:00  50.869889
01:45:00  50.869889
02:00:00  50.869889
02:15:00  50.869889
02:30:00  50.869889
02:45:00  50.869889
03:00:00  50.869889
03:15:00   8.846017
03:30:00   8.846017
03:45:00   8.846017
04:00:00   8.846017
04:15:00   8.846017
04:30:00   8.846017
04:45:00   8.846017




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