Only accept C # signed SSL certificate itself

I have a self-programmed API running on Windows Server 2012 with a self-signed SSL certificate. Now I want to communicate with the webservice over HTTPS.

Communication is only done on the local network, but I still want the connection to be secure.

Is there a way to only accept my signed certificate? I have found many solutions to accept all certifications, but I want mine to be accepted.

I already thought about adding it to windows approved certificates, but since the program using the web service is a user from users on different computers and I don't have administrator rights at all.

Is it possible to have a secure connection the way I want?


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1 answer

Yes, as Guzman suggests, you should implement your own method for ServerCertificateValidationCallback

. You can compare the thumbprint of the certificate to see if it is someone you want to trust. Something like this should work:

public static class CertificateValidator
    public static string TrustedThumbprint { get; set; }

    public static bool ValidateSslCertificate(
        object sender,
        X509Certificate certificate,
        X509Chain chain,
        SslPolicyErrors errors)
        // Wrap certificate to access thumbprint.
        var certificate2 = new X509Certificate2(certificate);

        // Only accept certificate with trusted thumbprint.
        if (certificate2.Thumbprint.Equals(
             TrustedThumbprint, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
            return true;

        // In all other cases, don't trust the certificate.
        return false;


In your start code, include the following:

// Read your trusted thumbprint from some secure storage.
// Don't check it into source control! ;-)
CertificateValidator.TrustedThumbprint = SomeSecureConfig.Get["TrustedApiThumbprint"];

// Set the callback used to validate certificates.
ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback += CertificateValidator.ValidateSslCertificate;




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