Angular - Check an option in the default selection dropdown

I am having trouble automatically setting the correct option as selected

. I suspect that the reason may be because of Angular not realizing that price.currency

and let currency of currencies

is the same object.

<select [(ngModel)]="price.currency" class="form-control">
    <option *ngFor="let currency of currencies" [ngValue]="currency">


I created model classes for price

and for currency

, as you can here:

export class ProductPrice {
    id: number;
    product: number;
    price: number;
    taxrule: Taxrule;
    currency: Currency;


When I select a list currencies

, I put it on a list Currency[]


Finally ... I also tried adding an argument [selected]=" =="

to <option>

without any result. Probably because it ngValue

overrides it.



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1 answer

As you understood, price.currency

it cannot be recognized from an array currencies

. You can link these two values ​​by creating a link between the two. This can be done after you have received the currencies (s price

), for example, for example:

this.price.currency = this.currencies.find(x => ==


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