Correct way to propagate computed value in Angular2

I want to use computed @Input

properties value

But the initial spread value doesn't work.

I create a App

(root component with a template driven form) and a NumComponent

(child component that just stores the value entered).

When I pass the attribute NumComponent

as [useThree]="true"

, then I want to set the default '3' toNumComponent

But I cannot find a way without using setTimeout

Is there a way to propagate the initial value without setTimeout?

Edited 5/5

Application component

  selector: 'my-app',
  template: `
      <form novalidate #form="ngForm">
        <app-num name="num" ngModel [useThree]="true"></app-num>
      <pre>{{form.value | json}}</pre>
export class App {}



export const NumValueAccessor = {
  useExisting: forwardRef(() => NumComponent),
  multi: true

  selector: 'app-num',
  template: `<input [(ngModel)]="num" type="text" (ngModelChange)="updateValue()" />`,
  providers: [NumValueAccessor]
export class NumComponent implements ControlValueAccessor {
  num = 0;

  // I want set literal number 3 to `num` property
  // when `useThree` is true.
  @Input() useThree = false;

  onChange = (_: any) => {};

  updateValue(num = this.num) {

  writeValue(value: string): void {
    if (this.useThree) {
       * ISSUE
      // this code is not work. after code ran, `NumComponent` has
      // value 3 but AppComponent internal FormComponent value
      // is '' (empty string)
      // this.num = 3;
      // this.updateValue(3);

      // ran code with `setTimeout` solve this problem. but
      // I don't want using setTimeout for this feature.
      // setTimeout(() => {
      //   this.num = 3;
      //   this.updateValue(3);
      // }, 0);

      // Is there any way to propagate computed initial value?
      this.num = 3;

       * ISSUE

      this.useThree = false;
    this.num = Number(value);

  registerOnChange(fn: any): void {
    this.onChange = fn;

  registerOnTouched(fn: any): void {}

  setDisabledState(isDisabled: boolean): void {}


It seems that the parent component does not implement the common meaning during the initialization lifecycle.


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1 answer

I'm not sure I fully understood the problem, but one possible solution for what you are looking for might be

private _useThree = false;
@Input() set useThree(value: boolean) {
     this._useThree = value;
     if (this._useThree) {
         this.num = 3;


This way, anytime you want to set the value of an input property useThree

from the parent component, you are actually executing the setter method code defined above.



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