IntelliJ + Play Framework routes file with red highlight

Error image

I cannot fix this red underline I recently got in my route files.

What I did: I split the route files into 3 files: - routes - rest.routes - web.routes And after I did that, IntelliJ said something about "We have a new program that can handle .routes files "and I clicked yes. <- Stupid to me: (

It can also be mentioned that I cannot remember which addon was installed and I cannot find any add-ons that differ from previous versions.

Before there was no "spell checker" in the file, but now I get this field at the top of the file, saying "Project SDK not defined" Setup SDK ". It also gives a red" inappropriate "like spell checker under each on a separate line of code in the file.

The code itself works great, its just really annoying to have these red lines all over the world.

Does anyone know how to get rid of it?

Much appreciated!


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3 answers

I recently ran into a similar problem. Plugin that Intellij

asks to install in this case Erlang

. You just need to remove it (or just turn off the warning).

To uninstall Erlang

, go to Preferences.. -> Plugins

. Then search Erlang

and select. Then click uninstall

(on the right pane).

enter image description here



  • Configure Java SDK first (even if you are using scala)
  • Second, try compiling the code (run the playback app) and rechecking the route files. I suggest that IDEA use compilation route classes to validate the configuration.
  • Third, check the syntax of your conf/routes

    . Do you really want to use ->




IntelliJ 2017.2 and Play Framework 1, I once had this problem. Took me a bit to figure it out, but it was a Scala plugin that made it unfortunate for me. After uninstalling the Scala plugin, it works again.



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