Failed to publish AWS Lambda from Visual Studio 2017

I am trying to use an existing .net core API project and run it as a lambda function (which should be possible).

I have installed VS 2017 SDK for AWS. Following the tutorials, I should be able to right click on my project and select Deploy to AWS Lambda. The only option I have is "Publish on a stretchy beanstalk"

enter image description here

However, when I create a completely new empty function in Visual Studio (New Project). I have the option to Post to Lambda

enter image description here

But I can't figure out the difference between the projects. Every utility / hardware link between the two projects is identical when it comes to AWS packages.


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1 answer

My answer was the following, in my csproj I had the following line:

<DotNetCliToolReference Include="Amazon.Lambda.Tools " Version="1.5.0" />


Note that there is a small space after Tools. No complaints about VS, although it was very difficult to determine and only exists because you have to manually edit the csproj when adding DotNetCliTools.



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