Check if excel value is available in another column

I've looked at some of the posts but couldn't find much help.

I have a dataset like this

Column A   Column B   Column C 
ABC        ZZZ        123
BBB        ABC        234
ZZZ        BBB        567


I need to write a formula in column D, if ABC is available in column B, enter me the value for column C.

I tried all VLOOKUP features but couldn't find it properly. Can someone please help on the same?


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2 answers

Have you tried this with VLOOKUP in D1



After writing to D1, drag this to the end enter image description here



Column A Column B Column C Column D ABC ZZZ 123 = VLOOKUP (L2, $ M $ 2: $ N $ 4,2,0) BBB ABC 234 567 ZZZ BBB 567 123



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