Calculating dates with days, not seconds

I have 2 columns:

date1           date2
2015-01-01      2015-01-31
2015-01-02      2015-01-31
2015-01-03      2015-01-31
2015-10-27      2015-08-31    


I want to create a new column diff

based on date1

and date2


data[,diff := pmax(0, date2 - date1)]


As a result, I want:

date1           date2          diff
2015-01-01      2015-01-31     30
2015-01-02      2015-01-31     29
2015-01-03      2015-01-31     28
2015-10-27      2015-08-31     -57


However, I got the following:

date1           date2          diff
2015-01-01      2015-01-31     2592000
2015-01-02      2015-01-31     2505600
2015-01-03      2015-01-31     2419200
2015-10-27      2015-08-31     0


Date calculation uses seconds . But I want days .
Any help?


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2 answers

Assuming we need to change negative values ​​to 0 based on usage max

, then replace max


setDT(data)[, diff := pmax(0, date2-date1)]
#        date1      date2 diff
#1: 2015-01-01 2015-01-31   30
#2: 2015-01-02 2015-01-31   29
#3: 2015-01-03 2015-01-31   28
#4: 2015-10-27 2015-08-31    0


and if we keep an eye on the expected output

setDT(data)[, diff  := as.integer(date2-date1)]
#        date1      date2 diff
#1: 2015-01-01 2015-01-31   30
#2: 2015-01-02 2015-01-31   29
#3: 2015-01-03 2015-01-31   28
#4: 2015-10-27 2015-08-31  -57



Based on the OP's output file, we think it might be based on the original dataset, one parameter difftime

, where the argument unit

causes the output to be "day".

setDT(data)[, diff := pmax(0, difftime(date2,date1, units = 'day'))]


and for the second case

setDT(data)[, diff := as.integer(difftime(date2,date1, units = 'day'))]


OP may get output due to dates with less difference, which changes it to sec

instead ofday


OP confirmed that the 'date' columns were POSIXct

. So we can also convert it to Date

and get the difference with-

data[, diff := as.integer(as.Date(date2) - as.Date(date1))]



data <- structure(list(date1 = structure(c(16436, 16437, 16438, 16735
), class = "Date"), date2 = structure(c(16466, 16466, 16466, 
16678), class = "Date")), .Names = c("date1", "date2"),
 row.names = c(NA, -4L), class = "data.frame")




The difference will make you seconds, because you probably have objects representing non-dates in your data.

If your data will indeed ever deal with dates, that is, whole days, use the provided class Date

. Example:

data = data.frame(
   date2 = as.Date(c("2015-01-31","2015-01-31","2015-08-31")))



> data$diff = data$date2 - data$date1
> data
       date1      date2     diff
1 2015-01-01 2015-01-31  30 days
2 2015-01-02 2015-01-31  29 days
3 2015-10-27 2015-08-31 -57 days




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