React Native - text with background and spacing between multiple lines

I am trying to make this effect react-native

Desired result

The resulting result

This is my code, but I am really missing a space between the line.

    <Text style={{color: '#fff',  fontWeight: '600', fontSize: 26, backgroundColor: 'blue' }}>
        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.



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2 answers

Using lineHeight

in your style should do what you are looking for:

<Text style={{color: '#fff',  fontWeight: '600', fontSize: 26, backgroundColor: 'blue', lineHeight: 20 }}>
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.




I was able to achieve this effect using a solution similar to what Travis White suggests. Image of the effect in action

This is by no means a perfect solution, and I'm pretty sure there are cases that I'm not addressing, but here it is:

class HighlightText extends Component {
    state = { lines: [] };

    renderLines() {
        let textString = this.props.children;
        // splitOn is integer value. Enter expected max char count per line as prop
        const splitOn = this.props.splitOn;
        // Adds space to end of string, preventing cutoff of last word
        const singleSpace = ' ';
        textString = textString.concat(singleSpace);
        const numOfLines = Math.ceil(textString.length / splitOn);
        let lineStart = 0;
        let lineEnd = textString.slice(0, splitOn).lastIndexOf(' ');
        let fakeLineEnd = lineStart + splitOn;
        /* multiplying x2 to handle for awkward splits before very long words
         that can push content beyond the above calculated numOfLines */
        for (i = 0; i < numOfLines * 2; i++) {
            let line = textString.slice(lineStart, lineEnd);
            // Adds spaces to start and end of already populated lines for visual padding
            if (line.length > 0) {
                line = singleSpace + line + singleSpace;
            lineStart = lineEnd + 1;
            fakeLineEnd = lineStart + splitOn;
            lineEnd = textString.slice(0, fakeLineEnd).lastIndexOf(' ');
        return, i) => 
                    marginTop: this.props.marginTop,  
                            fontSize: this.props.fontSize,
                            color: this.props.color,
                            backgroundColor: this.props.backgroundColor

    render() {
        return (




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