Set a limit on the number of rows of a SQL Server table

I would like to set the maximum number of rows a SQL Server table can create. The thing is, I have a program that constantly writes new data to my datatable, but I only need to store one value per column. So I would like to set the maximum number of possible rows for this data type. Does anyone have an idea how to do this?

Otherwise, since I haven't found a way to do this so far, I also thought about rewriting my code and using the SQL UPDATE statement.

I'm not sure which will be better.


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1 answer

Add an id column to your table and limit it to the limit.

create table dbo.MyTable (MyColumn varchar(10), i int identity(1,1) check(i <= 5));

insert into dbo.MyTable 
    select 'one' union 
    select 'two' union 
    select 'three' union 
    select 'four' union
    select 'five';

insert into dbo.MyTable 
    select 'nope';

Msg 547, Level 16, State 0, Line 7
The INSERT statement conflicted with the CHECK constraint 


If it's really just one line, maybe something like this?

create table dbo.MyTable (MyColumn varchar(10), Limited bit not null default(1) unique);

insert into dbo.MyTable (MyColumn)
    select 'only one';

insert into dbo.MyTable (MyColumn)
    select 'nope';




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