Escape translation by HTML attribute

I am using the Fuse theme ( ) the angularJS theme and I have a problem with angular translator and stepper. I want to translate the title of a step, but the html syntax is weird: step-title = "'Description" . As you can see, there are double quotes and a simple quote (???) and I don't know why ...

Here's an example:

<form name="stepper" ms-stepper ng-submit="vm.submitStepper()" ng-model="vm.stepper" novalidate>
    <ms-stepper-step ng-form="step1" step="1" step-title="'Description'">
        <div ng-include="'app/main/management/users/dialogs/stepper/step-description.html'"></div>

    <!--  other steps... -->


step-title = "'Description'" is a big problem because I can't use angular -translate. I cannot do something like this:

        <ms-stepper-step ng-form="step1" step="1" step-title="'{{ 'trad' | translate }}'">


How can I use the translation in the stepper html attribute?

Many thanks!


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1 answer

In fact you can get through step-title="'{{ 'trad' | translate }}'"

Since he has stepTitle: '=?'

but I'm not sure

You can change the source code of the component:

  module.exports = function(){
    return {
        restrict: 'E',
        require : ['form', '^msStepper'],
        priority: 1000,
        scope   : {
            step        : '=?',
            stepTitle   : '=?',
            optionalStep: '=?',
            externalCallback: '&?',
            showButtons: '=?',
            status: '='
        compile : function (tElement)

            return function postLink(scope, iElement, iAttrs, ctrls)
                var FormCtrl = ctrls[0],
                    MsStepperCtrl = ctrls[1];

                // Is it an optional step?
                scope.optionalStep = angular.isDefined(iAttrs.optionalStep);

                // Register the step
                MsStepperCtrl.registerStep(iElement, scope, FormCtrl);

                // Hide the step by default


So you need to change the step directive

You have 2 options

Try to go to stepTitle: '@'


Do something with the template

 <div layout="column" layout-align="start start">
                <div class="title">{{step.stepTitle}}</div> <!-- here is the title-->
                <div class="subtitle" ng-if="MsStepper.isStepOptional(step.stepNumber)">Optional</div>




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