Websockets in a Windows 10 UWP background task

Is there a way to listen for web memory messages in a background job? I tried using ControlChannelTrigger

on Windows 10 and doesn't seem to work after closing the app (it works when the app is running). I noticed that the registered task is not being saved. Whenever I run the application, it cannot find it in the collection BackgroundTaskRegistration

. I noticed that when I use SocketActivityTrigger

, the task remains, but I have no idea if it can be used SocketActivityTrigger

with MessageWebSocket

. I also tried to use SocketActivityTrigger

with a class StreamSocket

, but also don't know how to connect to the endpoint "wss://"


I followed this example: https://code.msdn.microsoft.com/windowsapps/ControlChannelTrigger-91f6bed8

I used to use WNS background jobs, but now I want to get rid of my service and listen directly in the background job.


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1 answer

Would have commented if I could:

Not very familiar with Out of Process background tasks, but take a look at some examples .

C Tasks/

shows examples of how a background task can be implemented, and c BackgroundTask

shows a sample UI-based application. It seems that you can register for events and use them to communicate between them.



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