Finding the square root using Newton's method (errors!)

I am working on completing a math problem that approximates the square root of a number using Newton's guess and check method in Python. The user has to enter a number, an initial guess for the number, and how many times they want to check their answer before returning. To make things easier and get familiar with Python (I just started learning the language a couple of months ago), I have broken it down into several smaller functions; the problem now, however, is that it is difficult for me to call every function and skip the numbers.

Here is my code with comments for help (each function in order of use):

# This program approximates the square root of a number (entered by the user)
# using Newton method (guess-and-check). I started with one long function,
# but after research, have attempted to apply smaller functions on top of each
# other.
# * NEED TO: call functions properly; implement a counting loop so the
# goodGuess function can only be accessed the certain # of times the user
# specifies. Even if the - .001 range isn't reached, it should return.

# sqrtNewt is basically the main, which initiates user input.

def sqrtNewt():
    # c equals a running count initiated at the beginning of the program, to
    # use variable count.
    print("This will approximate the square root of a number, using a guess-and-check process.")
    x = eval(input("Please type in a positive number to find the square root of: "))
    guess = eval(input("Please type in a guess for the square root of the number you entered: "))
    count = eval(input("Please enter how many times would you like this program to improve your initial guess: ")) 
    avg = average(guess, x)
    g, avg = improveG(guess, x)
    final = goodGuess(avg, x)
    guess = square_root(guess, x, count)
    compare(guess, x)

# Average function is called; is the first step that gives an initial average,
# which implements through smaller layers of simple functions stacked on each
# other.
def average(guess, x) :
    return ((guess + x) / 2)

# An improvement function which builds upon the original average function.
def improveG(guess, x) :
    return average(guess, x/guess)

# A function which determines if the difference between guess X guess minus the
# original number results in an absolute vale less than 0.001. Not taking
# absolute values (like if guess times guess was greater than x) might result
# in errors
from math import *
def goodGuess(avg, x) :
    num = abs(avg * avg - x)
    return (num < 0.001)

# A function that, if not satisfied, continues to "tap" other functions for
# better guess outputs. i.e. as long as the guess is not good enough, keep
# improving the guess.
def square_root(guess, x, count) :
    while(not goodGuess(avg, x)):
        c = 0
        c = c + 1
        if (c < count):
            guess = improveG(guess, x)
        elif (c == count):
            return guess
        else :

# Function is used to check the difference between guess and the sqrt method
# applied to the user input.
import math
def compare(guess, x):
    diff = math.sqrt(x) - guess
    print("The following is the difference between the approximation") 
    print("and the Math.sqrt method, not rounded:", diff)



I am currently getting this error: g, avg = improveG(guess, x) TypeError: 'float' object is not iterable.

End Function uses the final guess iteration to subtract from the square root method of math and returns the total difference. Am I doing it right? Working code would be appreciated with suggestions if you can provide it. Again, I am a newbie, so I apologize for any misconceptions or blind obvious mistakes.


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5 answers

The implementation of the newton method:

It's easy enough to add small changes to it when needed. Give it a try and let us know when you get stuck.

from math import *
def average(a, b):
    return (a + b) / 2.0
def improve(guess, x):
    return average(guess, x/guess)
def good_enough(guess, x):
    d = abs(guess*guess - x)
    return (d < 0.001)
def square_root(guess, x):
    while(not good_enough(guess, x)):
        guess = improve(guess, x)
    return guess
def my_sqrt(x):
    r = square_root(1, x)
    return r

>>> my_sqrt(16)


NOTE: you will find ample words on how to use the original input here on SO or googling BUT if you count for loops c=0

must be outside the loop or you will get stuck in an infinite loop.

Quiqk and dirty, many ways to improve:

from math import *
def average(a, b):
    return (a + b) / 2.0
def improve(guess, x):
    return average(guess, x/guess)
def square_root(guess, x, c):
    while guesscount < c :
        guess = improve(guess, x)
    return guess
def my_sqrt(x,c):
    r = square_root(1, x, c)
    return r

number=int(raw_input('Enter a positive number'))
i_guess=int(raw_input('Enter an initial guess'))
times=int(raw_input('How many times would you like this program to improve your initial guess:'))    

print 'sqrt is approximately ' + str(answer)
print 'difference between your guess and sqrt is ' + str(abs(i_guess-answer))




The selected answer is a bit confusing ... no disrespect to the OP.

For those who will ever do this in the future, this is my solution:

def check(x, guess):
    return (abs(guess*guess - x) < 0.001)

def newton(x, guess):
    while not check(x, guess):
        guess = (guess + (x/guess)) / 2.0
    return guess

print newton(16, 1)




Here's a rather different function for calculating square roots; it assumes n is non-negative:

def mySqrt(n):
    if (n == 0):
        return 0
    if (n < 1):
        return mySqrt(n * 4) / 2
    if (4 <= n):
        return mySqrt(n / 4) * 2
    x = (n + 1.0) / 2.0
    x = (x + n/x) / 2.0
    x = (x + n/x) / 2.0
    x = (x + n/x) / 2.0
    x = (x + n/x) / 2.0
    x = (x + n/x) / 2.0
    return x


This algorithm is similar to Newton, but not identical. It was invented by a Greek mathematician named Heron (his name is sometimes called Hero) who lived in Alexandria, Egypt in the first century (about two thousand years ago). Heron's repetition formula is simpler than Newton's; Heron used x' = (x + n/x) / 2

where Newton used x' = x - (x^2 - n) / 2x


The first test is a special case for zero; without it, the test (n < 1)

calls an infinite loop. The next two tests normalize n to a range 1 < n <= 4

; by making the range smaller, we can easily compute the initial approximation to the square root of n, which is performed on the first evaluation of x, and then "unroll" and repeat the recurrent equation a fixed number of times, thereby eliminating the need to test and repeat if the difference between two consecutive cycles is too large.

By the way, Heron was quite an interesting person. In addition to developing a method for calculating square roots, he built a working jet engine, a coin changer, and many other neat things!

You can read more about calculating square roots in my blog .



it doesn't have to be so hard that I wrote this

def squareroot(n,x):
final = (0.5*(x+(n/x)))
print (final)
for i in range(0,10):
    final = (0.5*(final+(n/final)))
    print (final)


or you can change it this way

n = float(input('What number would you like to squareroot?'))
x = float(input('Estimate your answer'))
final = (0.5*(x+(n/x)))
print (final)
for i in range(0,10):
    final = (0.5*(final+(n/final)))
    print (final)




All you need to know is the nth term in the sequence. We know from the Leibniz series that this is ((-1) ** n) / ((2 * n) +1). Just sum this series for all i's with an initial condition of zero and you will set.

def myPi(n):

for i in range(0,n):
return 4*pi
print (myPi(10000))




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